print copywriting

Ads. direct mail.

Print is the perfect complement to your digital strategy. Here are some examples from Lanny’s print portfolio that helped her clients get attention and action.  Interested in case studies or other long form content?

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Ads: Blue Diamond Almond Growers

To announce the opening of their new state-of-the-art plant, Blue Diamond Almond Growers Association wanted an ad that would create excitement in their target audience — growers, media, and the financial community. Lanny collaborated with Creative Director Wayne Kosaka of Kosaka Design to create this attention-getting announcement ad.

Slicing, dicing, roasting, toasting…it’ll all be happening in record time when our new Turlock plant comes on line. Fitted with the most advanced equipment available, the facility will help satisfy the world’s growing appetite for almonds.

Ads: Blue Diamond Almond Growers

One in a series of “Talking Almond” ads for Blue Diamond Growers Association, this one focuses on the company’s leadership in product innovation. The campaign uses humor to draw the reader in, and delivers the message in a B2B voice.

Blue Diamond is always creating tantalizing new taste experiences, like our highly successful Bold line, popular Nut Thins and best-selling Almond Breeze.

Innovative products backed by worldwide marketing clout and flexible grower contracts are all part of our bold approach.

Direct Mail: Dunros Construction

After we completed a website update, these San Francisco remodeling contractors wanted to do an outreach campaign to drive traffic. We targeted five San Francisco zip codes with two different creative approaches. 

 “We want quality craftsmanship that will last…” Highly skilled, with 20+ years of experience and a strong work ethic, Dunros Construction is the go-to contractor for so many San Francisco homeowners.

Direct Mail: DeBrus Construction

If you own a soft story building in San Francisco that falls under the City’s mandatory retrofit ordinance, you’d better pay attention to this message from DeBrus Construction.  We created a postcard campaign using testimonials from happy clients and mailed to over 4,000 property owners, several times over the course of the year. The result? The phone hasn’t stopped ringing

“We expected this to be our worst nightmare…but we couldn’t be happier”

Contractor Malcolm DeBrus and our team of skilled workers have performed soft story retrofits all over San Francisco. We have the experience and expertise to complete your project on time and on budget with minimal disruption to residents and tenants.


Direct Mail: Fremont Bank

Fremont Bank was opening its first branch in San Francisco. They sent an introductory letter to local businesses, and followed up with a postcard inviting them for coffee. The direct mail campaign was supported by a series of testimonial ads in the SF Business Times.

A bank that brings you coffee? We love to make our clients happy. Whether it’s customizing a loan, issuing a letter of credit in a matter of days or picking up your deposit so you don’t have to leave the office. Find out more when we meet for coffee. Give us a call to schedule your coffee break. And, oh, would you like croissants with that? Prefer bagels? No problem.

Direct Mail: Ambrosia Wine

Addressed to those with a taste for fine wine, this prospecting piece helped increase wine club membership during the peak holiday season.

What is more civilized than a beautifully prepared meal complemented by a superb wine? Rich, heady and complex … like the well-crafted plot of a Hemingway novel. As a valued member of our Master Series Club, you’ll be receiving the best of the best each month. Over time you’ll experience just about every varietal grown in California. Soon you’ll be the sommelier that your friends count on for wine advice!

Direct Mail: Carroll Services, Inc.

Concept for an attention grabbing postcard aimed at advertisers who want to reach the school food service market. The postcard offered a free report, 10 Most Common Mistakes in School Food Service Advertising.

Only CSI serves up every key decision maker in school food service…all 17,385 directors. They rely on our publications to help them make informed choices.

Brochure: World Color

When a leading printer of  catalogs and magazines devised a new logistical delivery system, they wanted to announce the news in a compelling way. This 16-page brochure  tells the story and includes insights from  the team of developers.

World Color set out to develop a distribution system for the 21st Century. One that would optimize our enormous infrastructure, reduce cycle time and give our customers greater predictability. With WorldTrak we can can put more catalogs in-home, on time and in better condition than anyone else…creating more opportunities for your sales success. And isn’t that the bottom line?

Brochure: Crocker Securities

For their corporate brochure,  Five rules for Maximizing Financial Results, Lanny translated rather dry, esoteric information into friendly, informative copy.

John Lennon said, “Life is what happens when you’re making plans.” At Crocker Securities we couldn’t agree more. We like to think of an investment plan as a map designed to get you to your financial destination. There may be bumps in the road ahead…situations that couldn’t have been foreseen. Thus, any sound plan must have built-in safeguards. Investing heavily in the “sector du jour” can lead to high returns but, as experience has taught us, it’s a strategy fraught with risk.

Article: Profile of Susan Horowitz, Jewelry Designer

An editor and writer for The Jewelry Book, an upscale jewelry trade magazine, Lanny profiles jewelry designers and retailers around the country. In this issue, she interviewed designer Susan Horowitz of SHExclusive based in Minneapolis, MN and tells the story of how Susan’s statement pieces landed on the runway in NY Fashion Week!


Q: Susan, what were you doing before you found your passion for jewelry design?

A: In the late 80s I was working at a graphic design studio in LA, and on a whim, I began decorating tennis shoes with stones, rhinestones, and more. Friends and colleagues loved them, so I developed a little side hustle. After moving to Minneapolis, I put it aside, but the spark was there and in 2008 I started designing jewelry as a creative outlet for myself.


Article: InDance Magazine

Tango Con*Fusión is an all-woman dance company based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As collaborative artists they explore the idiom of Argentine Tango beyond its traditional boundaries. Lanny queried In Dance Magazine, proposing a story about the unique dance company, and the editor eagerly said yes.

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There’s nothing confusing about the vision of Tango Con*Fusión. San Francisco’s all-women dance company is laser-focused on building on the tradition of the century-old dance. The group of eight artists with eclectic backgrounds, skillfully bends the rules to explore the boundaries of Argentine Tango.

From the beginning, they have been inspired by, and have worked closely with, local and internationally known tango musicians. “The genre of tango music is vast,” says dancer/choreographer Debbie Goodwin, “and we’ve been fortunate to work with some great musicians, many of them women.”

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