by Erin Keam, guest blogger
We all know who to go to when we want to supercharge our copy, don’t we? While Lanny is “whizzing” up your communication with your clients, why not take a look at another way you’re sending messages to your clients – your personal website photos.
I’ve got tips below, but there is one over-riding concept …
Know your target audience!
Who do you want to work with? This is where you identify your ideal client. What would appeal to them? It could be originality, a sense of humor, qualifications, maturity, beliefs, contemporary, conservative, casual. If you’re not sure, ask them. Use open ended questions or show them several different photos of you and ask which one would entice them to hire you. Look at the most successful people in your field. What do their website photos have in common?
Next … are your website photos outdated?
Yes, Covid had an effect on our personal style (and grooming). Many of us succumbed to Covid-19 pounds and haven’t been to a hairdresser in months. Clients are going to understand that to some extent. However, humans can get cognitive dissonance. What I mean is, we don’t want to surprise clients when they compare your online photos to the real you as it can damage trust. If your photos don’t represent who you are now (or were fairly recently) they need to be redone. And yes, you will be Googled and looked at on your social media as well, so aim for consistency in all your profile photos.
Get photos done by a professional. No selfies, please!
Covid has made this tricky, but not impossible. I know a photographer who takes quality photos over Zoom and there are ways to social distance in person if you still feel unsafe. They don’t have to be expensive, and you don’t need many. Often two will do. One to represent your business and one to show “behind the scenes,” so clients can feel they know you a little better. After all, your website is really about your clients, not you. You want them to feel comfortable with their click choice when they land on your site.
Pay attention to the background.
Does it align with your personal brand and the emotion you want the client to feel? Yes, feel. It’s called the “know, like, trust,” factor. In brief, knowing is how they found you, liking is when they resonate with your messaging, and trust is when they believe you are who you say you are. Visually, your online image has a lot to do with the like and trust elements.
A professional photographer will pick up things like clutter or a busy pattern behind you, showing and lighting you in a flattering way. But does your “set” (yes, just like a movie) indicate who you are and what you offer? In the age of social media, we want authenticity. If you’re a creative, show that. A numbers person? Put an abacus on your desk. Author? Think bookshelf. This also applies to your Zoom background.
Now that you know the basics, read Part 2 of Erin’s guest post for tips on what to wear in your awesome website photos.
Erin Keam is a coach who wants your style to take you closer to who you want to be (and your ideal life). She has a background in sales & marketing, life coaching, media, theatre, radio, and animal welfare. She’s a podcast host (if you identify as female, she’d love you as a guest) and knows how to get you Zoom Ready. She offers free discovery calls with action steps. She is owned by a French Bulldog.
Copywhiz note: Thank you, Erin, for your great advice. I look forward to seeing a lot of supercharged images out there!